
We are the Gunananthans, and this site is dedicated to our actions, thoughts and opinions on our dying world.

There is Daddy Guna, Mum Yen, Daughter Vara Qi (2004), and Son Dava Xi. Daddy Guna is really concerned about what is happening to the world and wants to ensure we quickly change things so that there is a future for the planet. Mum Yen is not very active here yet, but hopefully soon. Daughter Vara  (2004) and Son Dava (2004) are keen to contribute.

Here is more about Daddy, profiled as an author:

N Gunananthan

Gunananthan Nithyanantham, or Guna as he is usually known, has a BSc in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Non-Western Studies from Mount Union College, a MSc in Electrical Engineering from Yale and an MBA from Bowling Green State University. He is also a Certified Financial Planner.

Guna has over 25 years of entrepreneurial, management, business development and IT experience. Starting with fairly humble beginnings, he as over the past two decades invested and built up several companies that form part of his business group today.

He is passionate about our dying planet and seeks to actively fight for her. He currently devotes a good measure of his time at work to a business focused on energy efficiency. He is also passionate about living a well balanced life and is an active triathlete (three time Ironman) and spends a lot of time with his kids, nurturing them with his passions. His goal is to retire at the age of 50 and actively devote his time to his passion to save mother Earth.
